Braver Angels Colors

The Braver Angels color palette has been carefully chosen. Please use the colors shown in bold underline whenever possible. The other colors are available for illustrations and web uses. 

Please note: at Braver Angels, red and blue have a very specific and intentional meaning (Republican and Democrat), so only use those colors to convey party, otherwise please use either Gold or Steel.

Dark Red

Hex#: a52928

RGB: 165/41/40

CMYK: 24/96/94/18

Standard Red

Hex#: dc3735

RGB: 220/55/53

CMYK: 8/93/88/1

Medium Red

Hex#: ff5544

RGB: 255/85/68

CMYK: 0/81/74/0

Light Red

Hex#: ff7769

RGB: 255/119/105

CMYK: 0/67/54/0

Dark Blue

Hex#: 204881

RGB: 32/72/129

CMYK: 97/80/22/7

Standard Blue

Hex#: 2b60ac

RGB: 43/96/172

CMYK: 88/66/0/0

Medium Blue

Hex#: 5580bd

RGB: 85/128/189

CMYK: 70/45/1/0

Light Blue

Hex#: 80a0cd

RGB: 128/160/205

CMYK: 51/30/4/0

Dark Gold

Hex#: cf9d46

RGB: 207/157/70

CMYK: 19/38/86/1

Medium Gold

Hex#: deaf55

RGB: 222/175/85

CMYK: 13/31/79/0

Standard Gold

Hex#: f4c260

RGB: 244/194/96

CMYK: 4/24/73/0

Light Gold

Hex#: f6ce80

RGB: 246/206/128

CMYK: 3/18/58/0

Dark Steel

Hex#: 384d5b

RGB: 56/77/91

CMYK: 80/61/47/31

Medium Steel

Hex#: 4b6679

RGB: 75/102/121

CMYK: 75/53/39/14

Standard Steel

Hex#: 6488a1

RGB: 100/136/161

CMYK: 65/39/26/1

Light Steel

Hex#: 95aebf

RGB: 149/174/191

CMYK: 43/23/18/0


Hex#: 231f20

RGB: 35/31/32

CMYK: 0/0/0/100

Dark Grey

Hex#: 787876

RGB: 120/120/118

CMYK: 54/45/47/11

Medium Grey

Hex#: b4b4b1

RGB: 180/180/177

CMYK: 30/24/27/0

Light Grey

Hex#: e3e3e1

RGB: 227/227/225

CMYK: 10/7/9/0


Hex#: fafaf4

RGB: 250/250/244

CMYK: 1/0/3/0


Hex#: ffffff

RGB: 255/255/255

CMYK: 0/0/0/0